It's All About The Arts...
Back by popular demand in the Whale Park with its picturesque location overlooking the ocean! Enjoy the talents of these brilliant artists and craftsmen, and delight in some creative demonstrations taking place both days.
Artist's Alley
Thursday, June 26
& Friday, June 27, 2025
9:00 am - 5:00 PM
Art Demos will be held during the day on both Thursday and Friday, 10-4:00.
Anthony Watkins 10 am-noon
Olena Babak Thursday 1-3:00
Don Demers, Friday, 10- noon
Artists painting onsite at Artist’s Alley in 2024 included:
Olena Babak (Friday only)
Rick Reinert
John Seitzer
Charlotte Thibault
Laureen Hylka
Leonard Miserek, Maritime artist
Anthony Watkins - Thursday, June 27th from 10:00 to noon he will be doing a demo in the art demo tent in the Whale Park
In 2024, we had over 27 outstanding artists/craftsmen coming to the show:
Sari Weiss (Sari Rae) - Jewelry
Derek Keenan - Hill and Shore Woodwork
Dianne Horton - Fine art (Thursday only)
Marianne Janik - Cali B jewelry
Nancy Shaul - Westport Island Pottery
Chris Cambridge - The Scrimshaw Workshop
George Mattingly - Fine art
Natalie Reed - Jewelry
Susan Lipman - Sea glass
Courtney Hutchings - Sea Salt and Silver jewelry
Eric Darling - Fine art and up cycled drift rope
Herenya Wilkey - Stained glass
Stephanie Crossman - Fish netting sculpture
Laura Kowacki-Lone Pine Design
Rick Lang-Artist
Richard Picard-Wood Bowls